Client-Side Events


Client-side events in the UX Component that can be used to add custom Javascript.


Fires after an Ajax callback has completed.


Fires after the Ajax Callback to fetch data for the Client-side data cache completes.


Fires when the control's Client-side data source has been refreshed.


Fires after the callback to delete the parent record is executed. (i.e. called after the .deleteRecord() method returns its response).


Fires after a failed login attempt.


The afterGoogleAddressSelect event is called after an address is selected from the Google Address Autocomplete list. The event provides access to the place object. The place object contains information about the address selected by the user. You can use the afterGoogleAddressSelect event to define a custom mapping of data from the place object to controls in the UX Component.


Fires after the Google visualization library has loaded (if any Google visualization libraries were requested).


Fires after the data in the component has been loaded from the Repository


The afterLogin event can be used to display a message on the screen indicating the (friendly) name of the logged in user.


Fires after the callback that occurs when a user logs out of the application has completed. The afterLogout event does NOT fire if 'LOGOUT DOES FULL PAGE RELOAD' is checked.


Fires after a callback to populate the controls in the UX Component with data from one or more tables has been completed.


The afterPopulateNewRecord event fires after the Ajax callback completes when a new record is created.


Fires after the component is prepared (i.e. after the object's .prepare() method is called).


Fires after a Data Bound UX Component navigates to a new record (including the new record). This event fires before the callback that retrieves the new record has completed. See 'afterPopulateFromTable' event for additional information.


Fires after a form has been reset to its original values.


Fires after the user adds a new row to a Repeating Section. Rows can be added to a repeating section when the user clicks the '+', or add, button at the bottom of the repeating section. This button is added by default when the repeating section is created.


Fires after the user deletes a row from a Repeating Section.


Fires after a row in a Repeating Section is prepared.


Fires after the data in the component has been saved to the Repository


Fires after all controls in the component, or a single control has been validated.


Fired after the first cache of the manifest file.


Checking for an update to manifest file. Always the first event fired in the sequence.


An update to the manifest file was found. The browser is fetching resources.


The manifest file returns 404 or 410, the download failed, or the manifest changed while the download was in progress.


Fired after the first download of the cache manifest.


Fired if the manifest file returns a 404 or 410. This results in the application cache being deleted.


Fired for each resource listed in the manifest file as it is being fetched. You can use this event to show progress as the cache is downloaded. For example, set the innerHTML of a div using this Javascript (which uses the 'loaded' and 'total' properties in the 'event' object passed into the event handler): " + e.event.loaded + 'of' +; Notice: Firefox does not expose the .loaded and .total property (as of v29)


Fired when the manifest resources have been newly redownloaded.


Fires when a user clicks or a toolbar button to export an HTML report to PDF, Excel, Word or text. You can use this event to put up a custom 'working...' message. To dismiss the custom message you can add code to the 'afterAjaxCallbackComplete' event.


Fires before the onTimer event fires. If false is returned the onTimer event does not fire and the timer is stopped.


Fires before the component is prepared (i.e. before the object's .prepare() method is called.


Fires before a row in a Repeating Section is prepared.


Fires before an Ajax callback. If the function returns false, the callback will be aborted.


Fires before the callback to delete the parent record is executed. (i.e. called when the .deleteRecord() method is called).


Fires before the callback that occurs when a user tries to log into the application. If the function returns false, the login is aborted.


Fires before the callback that occurs when a user tries to log out of the application. If the function returns false, the logout is aborted. The 'logoutSucceeded' will be true/false.


Fires before a Data Bound UX Component navigates to a new record (including the new record). If the code returns false, then the navigation is cancelled. Typically, your code will check to see if e.isDataDirty and then return false if e.isDataDirty is true.


Fires before a form is reset back to its original values.


Fires when the user tries to add a new row to a Repeating Section. Return false to abort the action.


Fires when the user tries to delete a row from a Repeating Section. Return false to abort the action.


Fires before the component is submitted. If event returns false, the component is not submitted.


Fires after data are read from Local Storage. is passed into the event handler. Your code can decrypt the data and set the property to the decrypted value.


Fires before data are written to Local Storage. is passed into the event handler. Your code can encrypt the data and set the property to the encrypted value. If you encrypt the data here, you must define a corresponding decrypting function in the localStorageDecryption function.


Fires if an Ajax callback fails to complete (i.e. the server does not send a response).


Fires when an Ajax callback is not allowed by code in the server-side canAjaxCallback event.


Fires when an Ajax callback is attempted and the device is not currently online (i.e. connected to the internet). Differs from the 'onAjaxCallbackFailed' event in that 'onAjaxCallbackNotAvailable' fires immediately. The 'onAjaxCallbackFailed' event fires after the callback has timed out.


Fires before an item in the Client-side data cache is read.


Fires before the value of the controls in the UX are persisted to Local Storage. The purpose of this event is to allow you to capture arbitrary data and store it in local storage with the variable values. Your code can set the 'userData' property in the 'e' object. The value in 'userData' will be available when the 'onRestoreVariablesFromLocalStorage' event is fired. The 'controlName' property is the control that triggered the event.


Fires before when the internet connection is lost or recovered. The 'online' parameter is true/false.


Fires when a control loses focus (i.e. is blurred).


Fires when a control's value is changed.


Fires when a control gets focus. If the control is in a Repeating Section the controlName parameter is of the form controlName:row


Fires when the component is running in a native shell that uses Cordova and the device is ready. This event is deprecated. Use onPhoneGapReady instead.


Fires when a data bound control on the component changes state from dirty to clean, or visa versa. Contrast with the onStateChange event.


Fires if there were any field level validation errors after the component was submitted. Returns array of objects. Each object has an 'errorText' and 'control' property.


Fires when an image in an element was not found. The e object passed in has an 'element' property.


Fires at the beggining of the component initialization, before any controls have been initialized. Does not fire on subsequent Ajax callbacks.


Fires after the component has been completely initialized and all HTML has been rendered. Does not fire on subsequent Ajax callbacks.


ANDROID ONLY. Fires when the keyboard comes up or is dismissed. The keyboard state ('up' or 'down' is available in the e.state parameter.


Fires when the orientation of a device changes. The 'orientation' parameter is either 'portrait' or 'landscape'.


This only applies if the UX is embedded in a Panel Card in a parent UX. The event fires when the Panel Card in which the component is embedded gets focus. IMPORTANT: This event will only fire if the UX was given an EXPLICIT ALIAS when embedded into the parent UX!!


Fires when the value of the controls in the UX are persisted to Local Storage. The 'controlName' property is the control that triggered the event. The 'success' property is set to true/false depending on whether the data was successfully saved to Local Storage.


Fires when the component is running in a native shell that uses Cordova. Fires when the device is ready and Cordova is loaded.


Last event to fire when the UX is rendered.


Fires after the component has been rendered and the component state that was persisted to Local Storage has been restored.


Fires after the component has been rendered and variable values persisted to Local Storage have been restored.


Fires when a control in a Repeating Section gets focus. (See onRptSectionRowChange event also)


Fires when the active row in a Repeating Section changes.


Fires if there was a server-side error in Xbasic code that handles an event.


Fires when the server-side summary values for a List control are computed. The name of the List control for which the event is firing is in the 'listId' parameter.


Fires when the session timeout warning message is shown. (Only fires if session timeout warning is enabled.)


Fires when the user clicks the 'Accept' button on the SignatureCapture control to accept a signature.


Fires when the SignatureCapture control surface is set. The signature capture control has two faces: an 'image' to display the signature and a 'canvas' to capture the signature. The 'surface' parameter is either 'canvas' or 'image'. The 'id' parameter is the id of the signature capture control.


Fires when the component changes state from dirty to clean, or visa versa. Fires when a data bound, or non-data bound control changes state. Contrast with the onDataStateChange event.


Fires every time a UX is opened after the UX has been previously opened in a window with component 'caching' enabled.


Fires when the active pane of a Tab or Accordion object changes. This event is typically used in Genie style Tab objects to set the state of the progress meter showing you where you are in the list of Genie panes.


Fires when the timer interval has passed. The timer interval is a property of the UX. It can also be set by the {dialog.object}.onTimerEventStart(interval) method.


Fires when a client-side watch event in the UX Component is executed.


Fires when the browser window is resized.

securityNotAuthenticated event

This event is executed if an Ajax callback returns with a 401 status code.

securityPermissionsDenied Event

This event is executed if an Ajax callback returns with a 403 status code.


Fires when a web-socket server message is received. The message contents are in the e.message parameter. e.message is a Javascript object with properties that specify the message type, text, etc.. TIP: To see the properties in the e.message object use: alert(JSON.stringify(e.message))


Fires if an attempt was made to send a message to the web-socket server but the message was not sent.


Fires when the web-socket server is closed.